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Life can be
without gods

Our Humanistic Values

  • Secularism

    Secularism is separation of religious institutions from state institutions and a public sphere where religion may participate, but not dominate. Secularism is about democracy and fairness, which all citizens are equal before the law and parliament.

  • Enlightenment

    Enlightenment is the evolution in both societal and cognitive capability of the human beings. We have learned how to understand the world with science and philosophy without supernatural assumption. Human can be responsible and independent from religious doctrines to make a better world and life.

  • Self-Autonomy

    An individual can engage in effective self-regulation—successfully monitoring needs and values without religious supervision; responding adaptation to the environment, and initiating, organizing, and directing actions toward the achievement of needs.

  • Gender Equity

    Every human should have equal opportunity to present themselves, no matter what gender they are. Gender relates how the society and family construct. Thus, religions usually have strict doctrines oppress the minorities. Humanist should disenchant those oppression and re-define the meaning of genders to construct a new harmonious and flourish society.

  • Aboriginal Rights

    Aborigines have faced too much challenges since they contacted with colonialism. Land, space, property was robbed by the name of civilization. Humanism introspects what inheritance we get from the history and tries to appease conflict between ethnicity.


Aboriginal Language School

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Pangcah also names Amis, are the largest aboriginal tribe in Taiwan with 210 thousand population. Luma means “homeland” in Pangcah and the Luma Association establishes a full-Pangca education for their children. Teachers and parents also teach the next generation to grow the Traditional Rice with seedlings and seeds through scientific and agricultural methods to know their culture. THI concern the cultural diversity in Taiwan and continually support Luma association to operate.

Aboriginal Territory Preservation

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As the first aboriginal president in Taiwan, President Tsai acknowledges the history of mistreating indigenous people. She apologized to the indigenous community in 2016 and pledged to make several changes to the policies concerning indigenous people. Yet, these transitional justice policies are not easy tasks. Land disputes related to private property are not included in The Indigenous Peoples Land and Sea Areas Law. To protect aboriginal rights of autonomy, THI support the Indigenous Ketagalan Boulevard protest. We ask the society to realize this issue is important for appeasement between ethnic groups.

Secular Education Supervisors

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We have a supervisor team to against the Rainbow Mothers. Don’t be deluded by the name of Rainbow Mother, it’s a Christian tutoring organization which promote anti-LGBT ideology and Christian culture in Taiwan schools. Because there are only 6% of population in Taiwan are Christians, the Rainbow Mother plan to embed Christian culture into people’s mind since childhood for the sake of missionary. Although it’s illegal to preach in the public school in Taiwan Law, they still work for more than a hundred schools for 20 years. THI consists the rule of law and criticizes the brainwashing “life education” from the Rainbow Mother. We help the parents who against the Rainbow Mother and want the education to be secular.

LGBTQ Pride Parade

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The LGBTQ pride parade held in October 2019 attracted more than 200,000 participants, making it the largest gay pride event in East Asia. In 2018, the conservative religions started the referendum that against the gay-marriage. Yet, Taiwan government still bravery legalized gay marriage in 2019, becoming the first gay-marriage country in Asia. LGBTQ are usually the most oppressed group from religions. THI always concern the rights of LGBTQ and fight for gender equity. Thus, we participated most of the parades in several cities and hope Taiwan can be a better country.

Asian Humanist Conference

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The Asian Humanist Conference (AHC) is an annual meeting of Asian humanists, who try to promote humanism and develop their organizations. THI team hosted AHC in 2016 and 2018. In 2016,” Old and New. Timeless Solutions for Modern Problems”, we discussed how humanism can integrate Asian culture. In 2018, we started a workshop for planning strategic plan for regional cooperation.

Pastafarian Activism

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Pastafarianism is usually a sarcastic joke for atheists. Yet, there are two countries legally recognize it as a religion: Taiwan and New Zealand. Taiwan is not a Monotheist country; humanism is too far from our daily life. For promoting humanism and make social impact, THI legally registers Pastafarianism as a religion. FSM is a popular and influential symbol in the island and our activities are usually with the idol of FSM.



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There are a few organizations that’s been done to cooperate.


  • The secret to happiness is freedom... And the secret to freedom is courage.

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Human being is a social animal. We need meanings for livelihood. A humanist is the one have the capability to make their life meaningful.
Hong, Kíng-Bûn
A liberal humanist should do whatever he wants to do and be responsible for his actions.
Tân, I̍k-Sìng
Being a humanist a day, keeps the priests away.
Tân, Siòng-Jû

Taiwanese Humanist Institute is created by a team of experienced professional humanistic activists. The team has focused on secular rights and criticism of religions in every aspect of Taiwan society. Meaningful and passionate to understand the world, human society and development of humanism in Taiwan. 
Humanism Matters
Humanistic Rights Matters

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Liberal Democracy

According to the annual Democracy Index published by The Economist Intelligence Unit, Taiwan was rated as the most democratic country in East Asia and no.11 in the world. In comparison, the other two democratic countries nearby, Japan and South Korea, was rated at no. 21 and no.23, respectively.

Freedom of Religion

Taiwan's strong human rights protections, lack of state-sanctioned discrimination, and generally high regard for freedom of religion or belief earned it a joint #1 ranking alongside The Netherlands and Belgium in the 2018 Freedom of Thought Report.

Gender Equity

In 2018, Taiwan became the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage. What’s more, Taiwan was ranked first in Asia and sixth in the world in gender equality in 2021 because there’s a high percentage of equality in inheritance, employment, suffrage, and education rights.

Ethnic Diversity

Taiwan is an immigrant society, which is not really surprising at all. Because of the island’s unique location and the long history in being a colony, Taiwan is very much ethnically diverse. The population can be divided into four great ethnic groups — the Hoklo, Hakka indigenous peoples and the Mainlanders.


Address: No.112, Yixin 2nd Rd., Taiping dist., Taichung City, Taiwan
We are very friendly and always open to discussing new projects, interesting ideas or opportunities to be part of an event.